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Reflections Mod Version 3 By Cascadia
This might be my final edition of the reflections mod. What I have done this time is improve the low reflection setting by matching the textures to the sky texture. That way, they will look more like the high reflection setting.
For patched game:
I have found a much easier way to install this mod. Go to C:\Program Files\18 WoS HAulin. Open patch.scs with winzip or winrar. From there, go to the folder material then the folder environment and delete these files:
It was unnecessary for scs to put them in a patch. If you don't delete the files, then the mod won't work.
After that close winzip or winrar and put the Reflections Mod V3.scs on yur mod folder.
For unpatched game:
All you need to do is put the Reflections Mod V3.scs on yur mod folder.
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V8 Sound
Tag, das ist der selbe V8 Sound wie den, den ich bei ETS on gestellt habe. Ich habe einfach mal bissl zusammen geschmissen. Und es hat auch noch geklappt xD Hoffe er gefällt euch. Ist bestimmt nicht schlecht, für die, die keinen ETS haben.
Tipp: Auch wie bei ETS maximal bis Ende grünen Drehzahlbereich.
Hoffe er gefällt euch.
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Police sound by Muetze_V
Ihr mögt es wenn die Polizei hinter euch her gurgt und steht auf deutsche Sirenen?
da hab ich was für euch! Ich hab mich vorhin mal schnell hingesetzt und eine sirenenmod für die Polizeiautos bei Haulin gemacht.
Viel Spaß damit.
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LED Packet by Mopi & Scania V8 Fan
LED Packet by Mopi mit hilfe von Dennis (Scania V8 Fan)
"Gross" (gut für beleuchtung)
LED Gelb Gross---> flare.ledgelbg
LED Blau Gross---> flare.ledblaug
LED Orange Gross---> flare.ledorangeg
LED Weiss Gross---> flare.ledweissg
LED Rot Gross---> flare.ledrotg
"Mittel" (Normal)
LED Gelb ---> flare.ledgelb
LED Blau ---> flare.ledblau
LED Orange---> flare.ledorange
LED Weiss---> flare.ledweiss
LED Rot---> flare.ledrot
"Klein" (nur geeignet für schrifften mit vielen kurven)
LED Gelb Klein---> flare.ledgelbk
LED Blau Klein---> flare.ledblauk
LED Orange Klein---> flare.ledorangek
LED Weiss Klein---> flare.ledweissk
LED Rot Klein---> flare.ledrotk
Blincker Links---> flare.ledblinckerL
Blincker Rechts---> flare.ledblinckerR
Rückfahrlicht---> flare.ledrueck
Bremslicht---> flare.ledbremse
Viel Spass
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Alcoas by Chris (bayonet)
Credits: me
These wheels are standalone. They are fair on polygons, so it may run choppy on older PC's.
Installation: place the provided scs file into your haulin mod folder (documents/18woshaulin/mod by default)
1. Open your truck definition sii.
2. You have to change numbers in the truck's definition to switch the wheels :
Steer wheels: alcoast
Drive wheels: alcoadr
EXAMPLE: fwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/6/wheel.pmd"
Change this to: fwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/alcoast/wheel.pmd"
Do the same to the rwheel_model, just use the drive wheel name.
save and pack it up.
You will need additional files, reflections. You either have these already if you use hardtruckisthebest's trucks and trailers.
If you donot have any of those trucks installed, please install them. You can find his mods at:
By downloading this file, you agree to my terms and conditions on use of the model.
1. You may NOT convert this model without official permission from me, to any game for any use besides it's intended use, which is for the specific game "18 wheels of steel: haulin".
2. You may NOT reupload this file anywhere under any circumstances, unless given official permission by me.
3. You may NOT use this model or any of it's contents under any circumstances with the intention to make money, or exchange/trade it.
4. This model cannot be redistributed when modified unless it contains a formal credit to the author in writing.
Please report any bugs to:
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Bayonet petetrailerrims
Custom pete Wheels & rims for 18 wheels of steel haulin' by me, Chris (bayonet).
Install Notes:
Take all packed scs files and place them in your mod folder.
These wheels are completely standalone, so in your truck's defenition folder you have to change the wheel lines.
Trailer rims: pete3
You're done. Easy.
I may give the model to you openly if you ask, depending on the use.
Creds for the wheels: None, I made all of it.
WARNING: may cause lower FPS depending on your PC hardware
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Capless Alcoas
This Mod contains a set of Capless 22.5" Alcoas for 18WOS Haulin'.
NumYummy-For making them capless and getting them in-game.
Chris-For the original rims.
Andy-For the hubs.
Pu the "Capless Alcoas.scs" file in your mod folder and the storage for them are.
*(Sorry, but you cannot use the orginals with these bacuase I was having trouble making them standalone.)
Me, the other people, and SCS are not responsible for anything that happens.I have tested this file, and been fine.
Please don't ask SCS about this, because they don't care.
-Where can I reach you?
If you mod these and release this,or anything ...PLEASE post credits. If not I WILL report your ass, you will be added to the blacklist, and you will be SHUNNED by all.Then, all my models from then on will be LOCKED!
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Euro Truck Simulator,Euro Truck Simulator 2,German Truck Simulator,Forum,Community,Downloads,Support,Euro Trucksimulator,Euro Trucksimulator 2,German Trucksimulator,Trucks,18 Wheels of Steel,Haulin,Convoy,Pttm,Long Haul,Trucksimulator,Trucksimulation,Truck Simulator,Simulation,ATS,Trucksim,Extreme Trucker 2,ETS,ETS2,GTS,UKTS,ET,ET2,18WoS,Tutorial,Tutorials,Tipp,Zmodeler,z3d,Modding,SCS,simulation,support, Zmod,z3d,Sk,Skins,Map,Maps,Mod,Mods,Trucksims,STD,Scania Truck Driving Simulator,Scania,ETS2Mods, Euro Trucksimulator2 Mods